Year 2012 Abstract The Veneto Region, through the †œPlan for diffuse pollution prevention and restoration of water in the draining basins of the Venice Lagoon† financed measures of re-calibration of riverbeds aimed at the renaturation of the hydraulic web, to increase the time of permanence of water and phytodepuration processes in the draining basin. In this framework, the Consorzio Acque Risorgive implemented a series of extended interventions on the area under its responsibility. This case study was implemented as part of these interventions. In particular, it aimed at re-structuring the effluents of the mid course of the Dese river (Rio S. Martino, Rio S. Ambrogio and Scolo Desolino). Such effluents are mostly draining channels, draining water from agricultural fields to the Dese river. The primary objective was the reduction of the amount of N and P reaching the Venice lagoon through phytodepuration. However, at the same time the project carried out the restoration of the draining channel web aimed at reducing flooding issues affecting the area. The following measures were implemented: †¢ Riparian buffer zones †¢ Creation of wetlands †¢ River bed enlargement †¢ Creation and reconnection of floodplain and new buffer strips †¢ Channel naturalization, creation of new meandering channel Authors P. Cornelio, C. Bendoricchio , G. Carretta , B. Boz e B. Gumiero Publisher Consorzio di Bonifica Acque Risorgive, Venezia, Italia Case study(ies) Restructuring the effluent web in Italy Source type Scientific Article Full Context Pathway(aka Context) Default view Area(aka Level or Site) ALL