General National Id Spain_04 Site name "La Conchuela"; commercial olive orchard, 10 km west of Córdoba, Andalusia, south-western Spain. Summary Cover Crops and No-Tillage in an Olive Grove (Andalusia, Spain). "La Conchuela" is commercial olive orchard (Cordoba, Andalusia, Spain) in which alternative soil management practices (no-tillage and green cover) to reduce soil erosion and runoff have been studied during 7 years. This case study shows how the use of a cover crop can be a simple, feasible soil and water conservation practice in olive groves on rolling lands in the region. Light or indepth? Light NUTS Code Andalucía RBD code ES060 Transboundary 0 Data provider Fernanda Milans (IMDEA Water) in close cooperation with José Alfonso Gómez (IAS-CSIC) whose valuable contribution is acknowledged and very much appreciated. Source(s) Soil management effects on runoff, erosion and soil properties in an olive grove of Southern Spain. Hydrological and erosive response of a small catchment under olivecultivation in a vertic soil during a five-year period: Implications forsustainability Application of the water erosion prediction project (WEPP) in olive orchards on Vertic soil with different management conditions Curve number values for olive orchards under different soil management The influence of cover crops and tillage on water and sediment yield, and on nutrient, and organic matter losses in an olive orchard on a sandy loam soil Francia Martínez, J. R., Durán Zuazo, V. H., & Martínez Raya, A. (2006). Environmental impact from mountainous olive orchards under different soil-management systems (SE Spain). The role of ancillary benefits on the value of agricultural soils carbon sequestration programmes: Evidence from a latent class approach to Andalusian olive groves. Evaluating the demand for carbon sequestration in olive grove soils as a strategy toward mitigating climate change Medidas beneficiosas para las aves ligadas a medios agrícola - Sugerencias para su diseño y aplicación en NATURA 2000, en el marco de la programación de desarrollo rural 2007-2013 EU policies for olive farming. Unsustainable on all counts NWRM(s) implemented in the case study No till agriculture Green cover Longitude -4.8980556 Latitude 37.815 Site information Climate zone warm temperate dry Mean rainfall 577 Mean rainfall unit mm/year Average temperature 22 Mean runoff 25,8999996185303 Mean runoff unit 450 - 600 mm Average runoff coefficient 3,09999990463257 Type Actual Test Site Average slope range 10-15% Monitoring maintenance Monitoring impacts effects 1 Performance Performance impact estimation method Edge of Field/Plot Performance impact estimation information Rainfall, runoff and soil loss were recorded during 7 years under three different soil management systems: no tillage, conventional tillage and cover crops. The results of the three alternatives on soil properties and on runoff and sediment losses were thus compared. Design & implementations Application scale Plot Lifespan 1 Age 7 Performance timescale 1 - 4 years Area (ha) 0,0287999995052814 Area subject to Land use change or Management/Practice change (ha) 0,0288800001144409 Design capacity description Sediment losses: Cover Crops: 0,8; No-Tillage: 6,9 (t ha-1 year -1) Constraints Cover crops should be sown in early autumn after the onset of rains. Also the choice of the correct killing date to avoid water competition. They should be mown in early spring in order to prevent competition with the olive tree for water and nutrients. Cover crops can increase the probability of the development of pests an diseases associated to cover crops and increase the probability of wildfires. There are some technical problems related to the seed selection and its maintenance. Favourable preconditions The risk of competition for soil, water and nutrients between the tree and the cover crops is minimal in the initial years of the plantation (small and less trees density). Also in the case of irrigated groves that are adequately fertilized. Design contractual arrangement Arrangement type Responsibility Role Comments Name Design consultation activity Activity stage Key issues Name Comments Design land use change Land use change type Design authority Authority type Role Responsibility Name Comments Lessons, risks, implications... Key lessons The study shows that the use of a cover crop can be a simple, feasible soil and water conservation practice in olive groves on rolling lands in the region. A key factor in its practical use is to establish it early enough to protect the soil in the critical initial years of the grove, when most of the soil is unprotected by the small olive canopy. The no-tillage treatement, bare soil with herbicide, does not benefit soil and water conservation. Despite this work, long-term studies that simultaneously assess the effects of different soil management on soil properties and on soil and runoff losses in olive groves are lacking. The sutdy is based on 7 years of data collection; results may change over a longer period. Success factor(s) Success factor type Success factor role Comments Specific incentives for stakeholder involvement main factor Financing Financing type Comments Local funds The Autonomous Andalusian Government through projects CAO 01-001-C4-0, AGR2005- 00595 and AGR2349. Private funds INIA through project CAO98-15 Barrier Barrier type Barrier role Comments Other main barrier Driver Driver type Driver role Comments Balancing different objectives main driver Financing share Financing share type Share Comments Policy, general governance and design targets Policy description To date, 31% of the olive acreage in Andalusia is located on very steep terrains, on slopes of above 15%; 38% of the acreage is on moderate slopes, in the 7-15% range; the rest on slopes of under 7%. Traditional olive production is based on low tree densities weed control via frequent tillage and canopy size limited by pruning, to ensure the productivity and survival of the plantation in a limited rainfall environment. Olive production in the region has been associated with severe soil erosion problems accompanied by fertility depletion and loss of biodiversity. Policy target Target purpose Runoff control Erosion Control Policy pressure Pressure directive Relevant pressure Policy area Policy area type Policy area focus Name Comments Policy impact Impact directive Relevant impact Policy wider plan Wider plan type Wider plan focus Name Comments Policy requirement directive Requirement directive Specification Socio-economic Direct benefits information Economic benefits of improving productivity and avoided cost of improving the soil quality. Economic benefit from reducing tillage (reduce working hours, fuel consumption, machine fix cost). Ancillary benefits information CO2 sequestration, reduction in soil erosion, increase soil and water storage capacity and enhanced biodiversity Information on Economic costs - income loss Economic cost of increase in the use of herbicide and application cost Ecosystem improved biodiversity 1 Information on Ecosystem improved biodiversity Changing from bare soil managements (CC and NT) to the use of CC (where the amount of herbicide and frequency of tillage is reduced) increase the biodiversity of the agricultural system (De la Concha et al., 2007). Reducing tillage and heavy herbicide enhance the specturm ground flora and on insect populations. Moreover a permanent grass cover, managed by mowing or grazing, benefits soil and wildlife conservation (Beaufoy, 2001). Ecosystem provisioning services 0 Ecosystem impact climate regulation Impact on GHGs (net emissions and storage) including soil carbon Information on Ecosystem impact climate regulation Soil carbon sequestration in olives grove derived from the implementation of agricultural practices, mainly by reducing tillage (as in the case of CC management practices) significantly increase by up to 0.3 tons per hectare and year (Rodríguez et al., 2012). Changing from bare soil practices to the use of plant covers in combination with tillage or residual herbicide application, improves soil structure due to an increase in the organic matter (Gómez-Calero et al., 2009) thus allowing for the improvement of the carbon sink capacity of the olive agricultural system. Biophysical impacts Information on retained water This is still to be defined in co-operation with practitioners. We are working with researchers on soil conservation measures on this water retention potential. Information on increased water storage Cover crops increase the infiltration rate and surface storage Information on runoff reduction Lower runoff coefficient in the Cover Crop treatment as compared to the Conventional Tillage and No-Tillage treatments. Higher runoff coeficient in the No-tillage system compare to the base line (Conventional Tillage). Average values (200-2006) runoff coefficient: NT: 11.9% / CT: 3.1% / CC:1.2% Water quality overall improvements Positive impact-WQ improvement Information on Water quality overall improvements In the cover crops treatment the water infiltrated more easily into the soil (under the protective plants) and at the same time the increased flow resistence dissipated the energy of the surface water. The aereal part of the plant intercepted part of the sediment particles carried by the water (Gómez et al., 2009) Soil quality overall soil improvements Positive impact-SQ improvement Information on Soil quality overall soil improvements Positive impacto on soil quality under Cover Crops soil management (the capacity of plant covers in intercepting rainfall is a determining factor in the reduction of soil erosion, which subsequently avoids the development of impermeable crusts at the soil surface). No tillage treatment, bare soil with herbicide, does not benefit soil and water conservation compared to the traditional, Convemtional tillage, or the innovative, Cover crop. Full Context Pathway(aka Context) Default view Area(aka Level or Site) ALL