General National Id Slovenia_05 Site name Ormoz, Dobrava Summary The project sought to apply an eco-remediation methodology at the landfill site of Dobrava, in the agricultural lowland of Pannonia (Municipality of Ormoz) Slovenia. The project aimed to demonstrate a successful “green technology” to reduce the environmental impact of landfill sites through a closed hydrological and pollution cycle to complement and exceed existing legislation in the promotion of sustainable landfilling technologies. The methodology consists in establishing dense woodland as a water barrier and in constructing a wetland for leachate treatment aiming to provide efficient water protection to reduce the risk of surface and groundwater contamination. Light or indepth? Light NUTS Code Vzhodna Slovenija RBD code SI_RBD_1 Transboundary 0 Data provider REC Source(s) LIMNOTOP - The sustainable rehabilitation of the landfill site Sustainable Rehabilitation of the Landfill Site Trajnostna sanacija odlagališÄa odpadkov Ecoremediation of degraded soils and sediments NWRM(s) implemented in the case study Wetland restoration and management Longitude 16.146 Latitude 46.4127 Site information Climate zone cool temperate dry Mean rainfall 800 Mean rainfall unit mm/year Average temperature 10 Type Case Study Info Monitoring maintenance Monitoring impacts effects 1 Monitoring location Unknown Monitoring parameters The performance of a prototype was monitored throughout a two and a half year period. Monitoring of leachate composition was performed and the contribution of constructed wetland to leachate purification was evaluated. The accumulation of leachate contaminants was followed in all of the subunits of the remediation system; in plant and soil material. Performance Performance impact estimation method Edge of Field/Plot Performance impact estimation information Laboratory analyses of the samples, Soil samples preparation, BOD analysis of leachate, ICP-MS analiysis of leachate and soil samples Design & implementations Application scale Field Scale Installation date 2006-10 Lifespan 50 Age 8 Performance timescale 1 - 4 years Area subject to Land use change or Management/Practice change (ha) 4 Size 4 Size unit ha Design capacity description The construction of the prototype of the landfill site rehabilitation comprised complete reconstruction of 4 ha of the landfill with the leachate recirculation to the landfill vegetative cover, with soil layers permitting infiltration of water into the landfill body. The pre-treatment of the leachate took place in a constructed wetland of 1,000 m2, from where water was pumped through an underground irrigation system to the covered part of the landfill. Constraints N/A Favourable preconditions The LIMNOTOP project demonstrates an innovative technique of landfill rehabilitation which enables further waste degradation after the landfill closure, thus attaining stabilization of waste before the end of the useful life of liner materials. A closed hydraulic and pollution cycle was applied in the system of the landfill. The rehabilitation process includes natural systems which enable leachate treatment with stabilization and detoxification of pollutants, as well as extraction of residual nutrients in leachate for the growth of the wood biomass. Design contractual arrangement Arrangement type Responsibility Role Comments Name Design consultation activity Activity stage Key issues Name Comments Design land use change Land use change type Design authority Authority type Role Responsibility Name Comments Other Initiation of the measure Municipality Ormož Project beneficiary Other Monitoring University of Ljubljana Faculty for Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Department for chemistry and biochemistry, Laboratory for inorganic chemistry Implementation LIMNOS, Company for applied Ecology Private company, subcontractor Other Implementation Communal company Ormož Municipal communal service provider - public institute Institute for physical biology Private company Lessons, risks, implications... Key lessons There are numerous possibilities for the application and transferability of the approach demonstrated in Slovenia in other areas with similar climatic regimes. Success factor(s) Success factor type Success factor role Comments Existing staff and consultant knowledge main factor Financing Financing type Comments EU-funds: LIFE+ Barrier Barrier type Barrier role Comments Driver Driver type Driver role Comments Legal obligations main driver Financing share Financing share type Share Comments European funds 45 View National funds 55 View Policy, general governance and design targets Policy description Land-filling is still the most common form of final waste disposal. The permanent control of emission of leachate and biogas presents a major environmental problem of the landfills. The common approach toward elimination of the negative emissions from landfills on the environment is the use of physical barriers (mineral, synthetic liners), which prevents the formation of landfill leachate and gasses. Surface isolation of the deposited wastes at the same time prevents their further degradation and disables their final stabilization. As the duration of the isolation materials is limited, in spite of their high quality, the long-term solution of these existing techniques is environmentally questionable. Quantified objectives The demonstrated approach allows a landfill site to become a bioreactor by permitting controlled infiltration and consequently further decomposition of the degradable part of the waste. This results in a quicker stabilization of a landfill site as the water in the bioreactor stimulates anaerobic microbes to mineralise organic waste. Fast growing trees with high evapotranspiration are used, which additionally contributes to leachate treatment and evapotranspiration of excess water to the atmosphere. Due to the closed hydrological and pollution cycle, the negative impact on the environment is reduced and the landfill site is lastingly rehabilitated. Part of wider plan 1 Policy target Target purpose Pollutants Removal Oher Societal Benefits Policy pressure Pressure directive Relevant pressure Policy area Policy area type Policy area focus Name Comments Policy impact Impact directive Relevant impact Policy wider plan Wider plan type Wider plan focus Name Comments The need for the reclamation of landfill sites to avoid long-term contamination is widely recognized in the EU countries. According to Slovene and EU Directives, old landfill sites have to be rehabilitated and there is a strong need for the protection of drinking water sources near landfill sites. Policy requirement directive Requirement directive Specification Socio-economic Direct benefits information The project results suggest savings are as high as 51% compared to leachate treatment systems and 31% for the final cover of landfill sites with synthetic layers. Costs total 594721 Costs total information Total budget for the project. Information on Ecosystem improved biodiversity This new method of landfill management enables the secondary use of revitalized landfill sites improving biodiversity and increasing their public acceptance. Information on Ecosystem provisioning services N/A info Ecosystem impact climate regulation Not relevant for the specific application Information on Ecosystem impact GHG soil carbon Offensive odors are eliminated and the emission of greenhouse gases reduced through a gas drainage system and the increased assimilation of CO2 and the oxidation of methane by the vegetative growth. Biophysical impacts Information on retained water not relevant for this application Information on increased water storage not relevant for this application Information on runoff reduction not relevant for this application Water quality overall improvements Positive impact-WQ improvement Information on Water quality overall improvements Reduction of the contamination of surrounding waters with nutrients and toxic compounds, elimination of offensive odors, reduction of uncontrolled emission of gasses, final degradation of wastes with controlled infiltration of water into the landfill body. Water quality Improvements Phosphorus (P) 80 Water quality Improvements (P) unit % reduction pf pollutant Water quality Improvements Nitrogen (N) 80 Wq Improvements n unit % reduction pf pollutant Soil quality overall soil improvements N/A info Full Context Pathway(aka Context) Default view Area(aka Level or Site) ALL