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Restoration on Comana wetlands, Romania

National Id
Site name
Comana Forest
The main objective of the project is to conserve the biodiversity, the natural habitats, the wild species of flora and fauna and to assure an efficient management of protected natural areas, in particular, management of the ecological network Natura 2000 through reconstruction of Comana Wetland within Giurgiu County.
Light or indepth?
Sud - Muntenia
RBD code
Data provider
Imola Koszta, REC
Climate zone
warm temperate moist
Mean rainfall
Mean rainfall unit
Average temperature
Mean runoff
Mean runoff unit
450 - 600 mm
Average runoff coefficient
Case Study Info
Average slope range
Vegetation class
limit between the steppe and sylvo-steppe
Monitoring impacts effects
Monitoring parameters
Monitoring system of bird species and environmental factors that will allow instantaneous observations and the opportunity to explore areas of avifauna interest without the presence of an operator; - Databases for monitoring environmental parameters characteristic for wetland habitats: precipitation, temperature and humidity in two areas of the pool and the monitoring of bird species, which constitute a source of information for those interested; - Storage all information received from the observatories within a Dispatcher and use the data in research activities.
Performance impact estimation method
Catchment outlet
Performance impact estimation information
monitoring systems for the Natura 2000 sites and protected areas, including infrastructure and equipment for monitoring the natural habitats and the conservation status of flora and fauna species (monitoring system of environmental parameters and bird species)
Application scale
Installation date
Performance timescale
Area (ha)
Area subject to Land use change or Management/Practice change (ha)
Design capacity description
increase of the river depth by more than 1.50m and to achieve a permanent retention rate of 43.60 mMB at Comana pond; extending the water surface to 490 hectares and maintaining the shallow water area below half a meter.
N/A info
Favourable preconditions
N/A info
Public consultation
Design contractual arrangement
Arrangement type Responsibility Role Comments Name
Design consultation activity
Activity stage Key issues Name Comments
caravans for promoting biodiversity conservation presenting information about nature and its protection, about Comana Natural Park (flora and fauna);
The project had the support of local public authorities and business people who have invested in the
dissemination of materials with key
round table for capacity building and improvement of cooperation with local authorities and stakeholders from the Comana Natural Park area
thematic seminars with key messages: "protecting nature - protecting
life" and "to teach both young people and local community, how important is the conservation of environment"
Design land use change
Land use change type
Design authority
Authority type Role Responsibility Name Comments
the Giurgiu County Council
County Authority / The project developer
Initiation of the measure
Comana Local Council
Administration of Comana Natural Park
Initiation of the measure; Determination of design details of the measure; Implementation; Monitoring
Private property owners
Business people who have invested in the area
Regional / sub-national water authority
Local Environmental Protection Agency
Land users from the area of Comana wetland restoration area
Key lessons
The project is the first wetland restoration and the first example of green infrastructure development in the region. The process of public procurement for contracts regarding the supply/works/services, might cause a barrier, delaying the implementation.
Strong awareness raising campaigns creating the necessary local support for restoration is essential.
Financing difficulties
Financing difficulties information
The funding was sufficient for project implementation and the financial framework conditions support the financing of the nature conservation activities. Without the EU funding, the project would not have been possible. Comana Wetland restoration was initially funded through a LIFE Nature project (2002-2004). While the LIFE project did not yet achieve the planned restoration it was key to the successful planning of the restoration work (including identification of measures in view of increasing the wetland area, drafting a series of management recommendations and proposal to declare the site as a natural park) and laid the ground for the declaration of the area as a National Park in 2004.
Success factor(s)
Success factor type Success factor role Comments
Financing possibilities
main factor
Attitude of relevant stakeholders
secondary factor
secondary factor
Financing type Comments
EU-funds: LIFE+
National funds
European Regional Development Fund, Sectorial Operational Programme Environment 2007-2013
Barrier type Barrier role Comments
main barrier
Barriers for the implementation of the measures were due to the process of public procurement for contracts regarding the supply / works / services, which consisted in appeals and had as a consequence procedures which led to delays in the project implementation. Addendum were necessary in order to extend the implementation period. This resulted from the inflexibility to redistribute savings and so required using beneficiaries own funds.
Driver type Driver role Comments
Availability of subsidies
main driver
available EU funds
Financing share
Financing share type Share Comments
European funds
ERDF Sectoral Operational Programme for the Environment (SOP ENV) in Romania
National funds
State budget + County Councy Giurgiu has contributed separately ; € 27,579
Policy description
Prior to 1990, three fourths of the wetlands were drained to be used for agriculture. This had a significant negative impact on biodiversity.Comana wetlands were restored between 2009 and 2011, to improve biodiversity and ensure the conservation of natural habitats and wild species of flora and fauna. The area covered by the restoration project was 1800 hectares.
Quantified objectives
1) construction of a dam with sluice on Neajlov River, downstream of Comana Lake, in order to increase the river depth by more than 1.50m and to achieve a permanent retention rate of 43.60 mMB at Comana pond; extending the water surface to 490 hectares and maintaining the shallow water area below half a meter; 2) construction of a fish scale downstream of the dam to avoid aquatic habitat fragmentation and the disruption of the migration route of some fish species.
Part of wider plan
Policy target
Target purpose
Improved Biodiversity
Increase Water Storage
Policy pressure
Pressure directive Relevant pressure
Policy area
Policy area type Policy area focus Name Comments
Environmental Policy
Lower Danube Green Corridor strategy
Policy impact
Impact directive Relevant impact
Policy wider plan
Wider plan type Wider plan focus Name Comments
Environment & Biodiversity
Management Plan of the protected area
Environment & Biodiversity
Visit Strategy of the protected area
Environment & Biodiversity
Giurgiu County Development Strategy
Environment & Biodiversity
Region Development Strategy.
Policy requirement directive
Requirement directive Specification
Direct benefits information
The restoration of the Comana wetlands greatly improved biodiversity in the area. The construction of the dam on the Neajlov River, downstream of Comana Lake, increased the level of water in the floodplain area and has maintained it at a constant level, which has had positive effects on avi-fauna. New feeding sites for duck and heron species in the area previously occupied by reeds were established. It is estimated that the land available as habitat for bird species was increased by at least 30% and the number of birds increased by at least 5%. Moreover, the improved ecological conditions increased the quality of habitats and hence species richness for fish and invertebrates.
Ancillary benefits information
20 temporarily new jobs were created during the construction of the dam. Permanent economic benefits from establishing ecological research area in cooperation with nearby scientific institution. More permanent economic benefits are to be expected from the development of tourism (the restoration of Comana wetlands is attracting an increasing number of tourists, especially during weekends) and from collaboration with scientific institutions in nearby cities.Business investment is coming also to the area. The park administration organises guided visits for school children and other groups, and thematic seminars and workshops with local authorities and interested local stakeholders.Benefits: 1. Tourism and recreation †“ 10.000 visitors to protected sites per year; 5.000 users for camping, nature walks, jogging, water sports, cycling per year 2. Education †“ 500 educational excursions per year 3. Conservation benefits - existence value of habitat, species and genetic diversity
Costs investment information
N/A info
Costs operation maintenance
N/A info
Costs total
Costs total information
The funded measures were the following:
- Ecological restoration of habitats and reinforcement of species population, through 1) construction of a dam with sluice on Neajlov River, downstream of Comana Lake2) construction of a fish scale downstream of the dam; - Setting up monitoring systems for the Natura 2000 sites and protected areas,
- Construction and improvement of the infrastructure of the national protected areas and Natura 2000 sites (building of visitors and information centres and of information panels, risk management / fire prevention and control etc.).
- Preparation of information and publicity materials to contribute to awareness raising on the issues of protected areas and Natura 2000
Ecosystem improved biodiversity
Information on Ecosystem improved biodiversity
The construction of the dam on the Neajlov River, downstream of Comana Lake, increased the level of water in the floodplain area and has maintained it at a constant level, which has had positive effects on avifauna. New feeding sites for duck and heron species in the area previously occupied by reeds were established. It is estimated that the land available as habitat for bird species was increased by at least 30% and the number of birds increased by at least 5%. Initially there were 157 species, and after
project implementation were inventoried 212 species, of which 78 species protected at national and European level.Moreover, for fish populations and their invertebrate prey, the new conditions such as oxygen concentrations, changing water levels and their daily fluctuations have improved the quality of habitats and species richness.
Ecosystem provisioning services
Information on Ecosystem provisioning services
-increased tourism
Ecosystem impact climate regulation
No information available
Information on Ecosystem impact climate regulation
Information on retained water
retention rate of 43.60 at Comana pond
Information on increased water storage
Information on runoff reduction
Water quality overall improvements
Positive impact-WQ improvement
Information on Water quality overall improvements
Traps sediments and retains excess nutrients and other pollutants such as heavy metals. This is important as the Comana wetland is connected to groundwater sources used by local communities for drinking, and surface water sources (rivers and lakes) used for swimming, fishing, or other activities. These same functions are also critical for the fish and other wildlife that inhabit these waters.
Soil quality overall soil improvements
N/A info
Information on Soil quality overall soil improvements
N/A info
Full Context
Pathway(aka Context)
Area(aka Level or Site)