Year 2017 Abstract Ormož Basins are a wetland of exceptional national and international importance attracting both breeding and migrating bird species of conservation importance. This guidebook aims to show life in various forms thriving in what used to be an abandoned industrial area, saved from destruction and later declared a nature reserve dedicated to conservation of biodiversity providing relaxed, informative and high quality experience of nature. This guidebook presents history of the site, birds, management of the area and photos. Authors Luka Božič, Damijan Denac Publisher Birdlife Slovenia (DOPPS) Case study(ies) LiveDrava - Riparian Ecosystem Restoration of the Lower Drava River in Slovenia NWRM(s) Wetland restoration and management Reconnection of oxbow lakes and similar features Forest riparian buffers Source type Project Report URL Ormoz Basin nature reserve Full Context Pathway(aka Context) Default view Area(aka Level or Site) ALL