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Reforestation in Veneto, Italy

National Id
Site name
Camazzole di Carmignano di Brenta (PD)
The case study site is located upstream of a captage area, where aqueducts abstract water for Venice, Vicenza and other towns: there is thus a demand for increased groundwater recharge and water purification. In addition, Bosco Limite provides a wide range of good and services, such as groundwater recharge, CO2 fixation, biodiversity safeguard, production of high quality wood and biomass for energetic purposes, and recreational-touristic services. The measure was implemented in an area previously used for intensive agriculture, and activities with high economic returns. Therefore, the main challenge of the project was to find alternative, competitive sources of income for landowners who made their land available for reforestation. The establishment of PES schemes for a variety of services (water provision, carbon sequestration, biodiversity and environmental education) was key for the success of the project.
Light or indepth?
RBD code
Data provider
Gloria De Paoli, ACTeon
NWRM(s) implemented in the case study
Climate zone
warm temperate moist
Mean rainfall
Mean rainfall unit
Average temperature
Actual Test Site
Average slope range
Monitoring impacts effects
Monitoring parameters
A monitoring plan for the biodiversity has been scheduled.
Performance impact estimation method
Performance impact estimation information
Information not available
Application scale
Field Scale
Installation date
Performance timescale
> 20 years
Area (ha)
Area subject to Land use change or Management/Practice change (ha)
Size unit
Design capacity description
Information not available
Max water retention capacity
Max water retention capacity unit
Information not available
Favourable preconditions
Information not available
Management change from
Cropland (intensive maize cultivation)
Management change to
Autoctonous forest
Inflow volume
Inflow volume unit
Design contractual arrangement
Arrangement type Responsibility Role Comments Name
the action is involved in the European founded LIFE+ project "Aquor"
Design consultation activity
Activity stage Key issues Name Comments
Design land use change
Land use change type
Design authority
Authority type Role Responsibility Name Comments
ETIFOR, a Padua University spin-off
FSC Italia
Consulting company
Department for Territory and agro-forestry systems , University of Padua
AQUOR project, Life Plus
Veneto Agricoltura
Provincia di Vicenza
Province Administration
Regional / sub-national water authority
Consorzio di Bonifica Brenta
Regional / sub-national water authority
Autorití  di bacino dei fiumi Isonzo, Tagliamento, Livenza, Piave, Brenta-Bacchiglione
RBD Authority
Key lessons
The site is located upstream of a captage area, where aqueducts abstract water for Venice, Vicenza and other towns: there is thus a demand for increased groundwater recharge and water purification. In addition, Bosco Limite provides a wide range of good and services, such as groundwater recharge, CO2 fixation, biodiversity safeguard, production of high quality wood and biomass for energetic purposes, and recreational-touristic services. The measure was implemented in an area previously used for intensive agriculture, and activities with high economic returns. Therefore, the main challenge of the project was to find alternative, competitive sources of income for landowners who made their land available for reforestation. The establishment of PES schemes for a variety of services (water provision, carbon sequestration, biodiversity and environmental education) was key for the success of the project.
Financing mechanism information
PES schemes have been established to ensure that participating to the project is financially attractive for landowners (who made their land available for reforestation), and in particular:
- Water provision: ten-years contracts between landowners and the local Consorzio di bonifica;
- Carbon storage: contract with enterprises, also linked to green marketing and social responsibility;
- Green energy (wood products);
- Biodiversity: no actual contracts have been established, but there are agreements with the hunting association and environmental associations. Furthermore, there is a contract with a municipality for environmental education activities.
Financing difficulties
Financing difficulties information
The measure was implemented in an area previously used for intensive agriculture, activities with high economic returns. Therefore, the main challenge of the project was to find alternative, competitive sources of income for landowners who made their land available for reforestation. The establishment of PES schemes for a variety of services (water provision, carbon sequestration, biodiversity and environmental education) was key for the success of the project.
Success factor(s)
Success factor type Success factor role Comments
Financing possibilities
Financing type Comments
EU-funds: LIFE+
80% of implementation was financed by LIFE+ funds - PES schemes are in place to ensure that participating to the project is financially attractive for landowners (who made their land available for reforestation)
Barrier type Barrier role Comments
The main challenge of the project was to find alternative, competitive sources of income for landowners who made their land available for reforestation.
Driver type Driver role Comments
The site is located upstream of a captage area, where aqueducts abstract water for Venice, Vicenza and other towns: there is thus a demand for increased groundwater recharge and water purification.
Financing share
Financing share type Share Comments
European funds
Policy description
The environmental problem that led to the implementation of project is represented by the fact that water reserves of Veneto High Plan's hydrogeological system are decreasing slowly but progressively. (approximately -3,8 cm/year, wich correspond in a diminuition of 1,30 m in 35 years)
Quantified objectives
Groundwater Recharge and Increased Water Storage: groundwater recharge is estimated in 0,012 m3/sec. Moreover, the land use change from maize to forest, without irrigation, saves 12000 m3 of water per year.
Improved Biodiversity: the costitution of a lowland forest provides habitat for 55 indigenous plant species, of which 15 tree species. Moreover, the forest constitutes habitat for at least 20 bird species.
Other Benefits: Carbon Storage. According to the Kyoto strategy the total reduction in carbon dioxide emissions will be in 30
years of 1500 tons of CO2, or 50 tons of CO2 per year.
Touristic/cultural value: the constitution of a lowland forest, a rare ecotype in Italy, could be of ouristic interest. The attractiveness of the area is implemented with walking, bycicle and horse paths.
Policy target
Target purpose
Groundwater Recharge
Increase Water Storage
Improved Biodiversity
Oher Societal Benefits
Policy pressure
Pressure directive Relevant pressure
Policy area
Policy area type Policy area focus Name Comments
Policy impact
Impact directive Relevant impact
Policy wider plan
Wider plan type Wider plan focus Name Comments
Policy requirement directive
Requirement directive Specification
Direct benefits
Direct benefits information
The expected benefits are of 4950 euros in the period 2012-2042, with a net gain of 2850 euros (compared to the previous maize cultivation there is a loss of 1749 euros/year).
Ancillary benefits information
It is estimated a positive impact from the costitution of the forest for the recreational and educational value of the forest, but there is no economic evaluation of the benefits.
Costs investment
Costs investment information
The planting cost was of 24000 €, with a contribution of the 80% from LIFE+ funds.
Costs operation maintenance
Costs operation maintenance
estimation of the costs for the period 2012-2042
Costs total information
An estimation could be made by calculating the total NPV of investment costs + yearly maintenance costs up to 2042 - However, the choice of a correct discount rate could be debated
Economic costs, income loss
Information on Economic costs - income loss
The area was previoulsly maize-cultivated, with a net gain of 4599 € in 2005-2010 period.Since the prevision for thenet gains from the forest is of 2850, the loss of incomes is 1749 €/ha/year.
Ecosystem improved biodiversity
Information on Ecosystem improved biodiversity
The constitution of a lowland forest provides habitat for 55 indigenous plant species, of which 15 tree species. Moreover, the forest constitutes habitat for at least 20 bird species.
Ecosystem provisioning services
Information on Ecosystem provisioning services
The forest will produce about 40 tons/year of firewood and in 30 years will provide high quality construction wood.
Ecosystem impact climate regulation
Impact on GHGs (net emissions and storage) including soil carbon
Information on Ecosystem impact climate regulation
Bosco Limite will stock an average quantity of 50 tons of CO2 per year, the equivalent emission of 7 Italian citizens
Retained water
Retained water unit
Information on retained water
Information not available
Information on increased water storage
Information not available
Information on runoff reduction
Information not available
Water quality overall improvements
N/A info
Economic costs income loss unit
Ecosystem erosion control impact unit
% reduction
Soil quality overall soil improvements
N/A info
Full Context
Pathway(aka Context)
Area(aka Level or Site)