General National Id Estonia_01 Site name Salmi coastal meadow, Matsalu National Park Summary The measure was implemented in Matsalu National Park, Estonia, a former coastal meadow site (Natura 2000 and Ramsar site) next to a big Salmi coastal meadow with many priority species. The old non-functioning small ditches were closed and scraped to restore the wetland hydrology and breeding and feeding grounds for waders and amphibians. Before the restoration works the area was used mainly for bovine grazing and the restoration did not change the conditions for that. However, due to the activities drinking water will be better available for the cattle. The project was implemented in 2013. Light or indepth? In-depth The in-depth description of the case study cs-ee_01-final_version.pdf NUTS Code Eesti RBD code EE1 Transboundary 0 Data provider Sandra Oisalu, BEF Estonia Source(s) Ecosystem Restoration Case Study Template Looduskaitseline ekspertiis pilootaladele Lääne- ja Hiiumaa kraavitatud rannaniitudel Salmi rannaniidu taastamine, tí¶í¶ nr 13/1136 NWRM(s) implemented in the case study Wetland restoration and management Longitude 23.6666 Latitude 58.7167 Site information Climate zone cool temperate moist Mean annual rainfall 600 - 900 mm Mean rainfall unit mm/year Type Actual Test Site Average slope range 2-5% Vegetation class Habitat site of rare species - Platanthera bifolia, Dactylorhiza incarnata). At the moment in ditches - Lythrum salicaria, Carex vulpina, Schoenoplectus lacustris, Mentha aquatica, Alisma plantagoaquatica, Sparganium emersum. Monitoring maintenance Monitoring impacts effects 0 Administrative annual cost information The Environmental Board is carrying out the monitoring of the waders in the area and the monitoring will show if the birds have started to use the area †“ this in their annual plan Performance Performance impact estimation method Catchment outlet Performance impact estimation information The effectiveness of the measure depends on the habitat -if the species formerly identified in the coastal meadow (before the land improvement activities in the past) - so methodology will be counting the habitats Design & implementations Application scale Field Scale Installation date 2013 Age 1 Area (ha) 11,1499996185303 Area subject to Land use change or Management/Practice change (ha) 11,5 Size 3,90000009536743 Size unit km Design contractual arrangement Arrangement type Responsibility Role Comments Name Design consultation activity Activity stage Key issues Name Comments There were stakeholder meetings which included also land owners but no larger public involvment was carried out. There were stakeholder meetings which included also land owners but no larger public involvment was carried out. Design land use change Land use change type Design authority Authority type Role Responsibility Name Comments Estonian Fund for Nature 'State Forestry Agricultureal board private land owners and renters Lessons, risks, implications... Key lessons Reaching common ground with different stakeholders is a time consuming process and need moderation in order to come to agreements satisfying all involved parties. Financing mechanism information Mainly WWF fuding with soe national contribution. Financing difficulties 0 financing funding solutions Main amount of activities was financed by WWF, however, Estonian State Forest Management Centre in frame of their frame project agreed to finance some of the practical works. Success factor(s) Success factor type Success factor role Comments Existing staff and consultant knowledge main factor Financing possibilities main factor Financing Financing type Comments Other Mainly financed by WWF, also contribution to practical works by State Forest Management Centre Barrier Barrier type Barrier role Comments Lacking coordination between authorities main barrier It was quite difficult to find common ground with Environmental Board, Agricultural Board and State Forestry - Estonian Fund for Nature had two years of meetings with them before they could manage to complete the project. Other secondary barrier Although there was enough information about this quite small and well known site, the State Forestry did not give permission to carry out the works without the official melioration plan for getting more data. Driver Driver type Driver role Comments Organisation committed to it main driver The method for restoring the wetland was chosen for testing by Estonian Fund for Nature and it was done in frame of a project funded by WWF. Financing share Financing share type Share Comments As State Forestry maangement Centres contribution is not known then cannot define the % View Policy, general governance and design targets Policy description The aim of the application was to test in Estonia a new methodology for restoring a wetland (based on the example from United Kingdom) and to find out if this methodology can be used also for other similar areas with similar problems (old ditches that change hydrological conditions in nature protection areas). Part of wider plan 0 Policy target Target purpose Improved Biodiversity Policy pressure Pressure directive Relevant pressure Policy area Policy area type Policy area focus Name Comments Policy impact Impact directive Relevant impact Policy wider plan Wider plan type Wider plan focus Name Comments Policy requirement directive Requirement directive Specification Socio-economic Direct benefits information Effective implementation of the measure will restore the habitat of the coastal meadow and will thus add to implementing the Nature Protection Act and Estonian Environmental Strategy 2030. As a Natura2000 and Ramsar site the restoration activity also contributes to their requirements. Costs total information Part of the costs were covered by WWF project - ca 11 500 eur - some parctical works and costs for meetings and travel. However, part of the costruction costs were paid by State Forest Management Centre in frame of one frame project so costs are not available. Compensations annual information No compansation for land owneres Information on Ecosystem improved biodiversity The species ( rare species - Platanthera bifolia, Dactylorhiza incarnata). At the moment in ditches - Lythrum salicaria, Carex vulpina, Schoenoplectus lacustris, Mentha aquatica, Alisma plantagoaquatica, Sparganium emersum.) ave formerly (before the land improvement works) been living in the area so restoration works provided possibility to for suitable habitat conditions for the species. Hoowever, monitoring is needed to confirm if the species have reeturned. Biophysical impacts Information on Water quality overall improvements The wetland had good quality water, chemical status is good. It is a Nature2000 site. No pollution has been marked. The aim was not to rise the quality of water but to restore the hydrological regime. Full Context Pathway(aka Context) Default view Area(aka Level or Site) ALL