Code F05 Year of Issue none Sector Forest The complete description of the NWRM f5_-_land_use_conversion.pdf Summary Land use conversion is a general term for large scale geographic change. Afforestation is one such land conversion in which trees are planted on previously non forested areas. Afforestation may occur deliberately or through the abandonment of marginal agricultural land. Depending on the tree species planted and the intensity of forest management, afforestation may have more or less environmental benefits. The NWRM related benefits include potentially enhanced evapotranspiration associated with growing forests and better water holding capacity associated with forest soils. The greatest environmental benefits are probably associated with planting of indigenous broadleaves and low intensity forestry. Plantation forestry with exotic species is likely to be less beneficial to the environment. It should be mentioned that afforestation in dry areas can cause or intensify water shortage. Even though afforestation may reduce available water supply at local scale, forest cover increases water supply regionally and globally, in particular through the intensification of the water cycle. Illustration(s) Afforestation of a hillSource: Gebhard Schueler’s presentation, NWRM Workshop 1 Possible benefits with level Benefits Level BP1 - Store runoff High BP2 - Slow runoff High BP5 - Increase evapotranspiration High BP6 - Increase infiltration and/or groundwater recharge High BP7 - Increase soil water retention Medium BP8 - Reduce pollutant sources High BP9 - Intercept pollution pathways High BP10 - Reduce erosion and/or sediment delivery High BP11 - Improve soils Medium BP12 - Create aquatic habitat Medium BP13 - Create riparian habitat Low BP14 - Create terrestrial habitats High BP15 - Enhance precipitation Low BP16 - Reduce peak temperature High BP17 - Absorb and/or retain CO2 High ES1 - Water storage High ES2 - Fish stocks and recruiting Medium ES3 - Natural biomass production High ES4 - Biodiversity preservation High ES5 - Climate change adaptation and mitigation High ES6 - Groundwater/aquifer recharge High ES7 - Flood risk reduction High ES8 - Erosion/sediment control High ES9 - Filtration of pollutants High ES10 - Recreational opportunities High ES11 - Aesthetic/cultural value High PO1 - Improving status of biology quality elements Low PO2 - Improving status of physico-chemical quality elements Low PO3 - Improving status of hydromorphology quality elements Low PO4 - Improving chemical status and priority substances Medium PO5 - Improving quantitative status Medium PO6 - Improving chemical status Medium PO7 - Prevent surface water status deterioration Medium PO8 - Prevent groundwater status deterioration Medium PO9 - Take adequate and co-ordinated measures to reduce flood risks High PO11 - Better protection for ecosystems and more use of Green Infrastructure Medium PO12 - More sustainable agriculture and forestry Medium PO13 - Better management of fish stocks Low PO14 - Prevention of biodiversity loss Medium Case study(ies) Habitat Reconstruction in the forests of the Körös Valley, Hungary Water retention spaces, reforestation and grazing management in southern Portugal Full Context Pathway(aka Context) Default view Area(aka Level or Site) ALL Crosslinks Pair Record Converting cropland to grazing land Destination Context NSWRM(Sections) - Default view - ALL - 7465 Crosslink Type Proximity with