Submitted by admineplanete on Fri, 06/07/2024 - 06:49 Logo The ePLANETe is composed of many different Galleries of digital objects. Each gallery is the home to one or more distinctive types of objects, which are created by authorised users. These objects, once created, are available for other users to see, and to exploit in actions of collaborative learning, knowledge mediation and deliberation support. The Gallery of Galleries presents (1) the complete set of ePLANETe galleries, (2) the types of objects that they house, and (3) the main uses of these objects. In many cases, the objects belonging to one gallery, can be exploited within that gallery or, in various ways, in other galleries. By explaining the uses of a type of object, we explain therefore the roles of the reference gallery, and also the inter-relations between galleries. In the ePLANETe system as presently conceived, there are 24 distinct galleries. Each gallery has collections of one, or several Types of Objects. This means that, for a given gallery, we must consider the use of objects of a given type within that gallery, and also the possibilities for use or exploitation of objects of this type in 23 other galleries. Some of these uses are unique or proper to the specific type of object, and to the gallery where the exploitation takes place. One example is the use of 'Grains' in the Brocéliande gallery, to compose pedagogic learning Pathways within an educational resource Module. Another example is the mobilisation of Indicator profiles (which are catalogued in the KIK gallery (referring to KerBabel Indicator Kiosks) for the composition of a multi-criteria multi-actor Evaluation Exercise (using the KerBabel Deliberation Matrix) which is presented in the KerDST gallery. Other uses are more generic. The most pervasive of these 'generic' uses is the "cross-linking" of an object of one type, to another object (which may be of the same type, or may be an object of another type, located in a distinct gallery), so that each object becomes an information resource for the other. From a technical standpoint, it is possible to envisage the "cross-linking" of any two objects anywhere in the ePLANETe, whether of the same type, or of two different types. In practice, some pairings of object types are exploited far more commonly than others; and, in fact, there are many binary combinations of object-types for which cross-links are never (or very rarely) made. In the presentations of each of the different galleries, and of the corresponding object types, we signal therefore (a) the pairings of object types that contribute to purposeful workflows or 'functionalities' within the ePLANETe, (b) the pairings of object types that, while not corresponding to specific workflows, are likely to be found useful or pertinent in typical uses of the ePLANETe, and (c) the pairings of object types that are never made (or only very exceptionally). Full Context Collection(aka Doorway or Gallery) ePLANETe Top Gallery Pathway(aka Context) KERBABEL Area(aka Level or Site) Panoramix