Texte - Image Texte ePLANETe is a rich multi-Portal environment. OPTAIN users, please click on the logo to get back to the project home page or use this direct link. Other users, please use the Project Switcher(click on the project name) to go to your project. Media Video file Texte Architectural Overview ePLANETe's architecture is a "6 Doorways-12 Thematic Spaces-24 Galleries" model. This structure is represented on the main menu and on the leftside bar: The top section presents the six Doorways. Selecting one reveals its associated Thematic Spaces and their respective Galleries. The Thematic Spaces may be accessed by more than one Doorway. This is not a error as their matter may be interconnected. Beneath each Thematic Space lie the Galleries. These Galleries curate insights on sustainability from diverse stakeholders and perspectives. Our aim is to provide an online platform for assessment and discussion, fostering social deliberation and enhancing governance. Technically, the overall core concept of ePLANETe is to delineate the structure of what we refer to as "Record". A Record is a elementary object briefly described by some meta informations. A Record is part of a Collection and may be optionally grouped into chapters within an "Area." We navigate through the Records by following a "Pathway" that leads us to specific Areas. Each Record has several coordinates, also known as its Context, which consist of three values: Collection, Pathway, and Area. These coordinates give a Record its unique position but allow it to have multiple contexts, adding to its versatility. Imagine a Record like a junction in a forest where various paths meet; it can be accessed through different Pathways. Each element of the ePLANETe platform, including Records, is designed with context in mind as a fundamental principle. This represents a Contextualized architecture blueprint. Purpose: To enable each collection to be embedded in multiple contexts, thereby facilitating its simultaneous utilization across diverse locations—a hallmark of merged architecture. Navigation Breakdown Thanks to visit this page for insights about design, navigation systems, and content management. You may also consult the Pedagogic Module of ePLANETe v2024(under construction).