Submitted by Philippe Lanceleur on Tue, 11/26/2024 - 11:05 Texte - Image txt "Green where we can, grey where we must" Evidence and Solutions for improving SPONGE Functioning at LandSCAPE Scale in European Catchments for increased Resilience of Communities against Hydrometeorological Extreme Events SpongeScapes accelerates solutions that improve the sponge functioning of soil, groundwater, and surface water ecosystems, with the aim to improve the resilience of European landscapes against extreme hydrometeorological events such as floods and droughts. SpongeScapes is a European Union research project (Horizon Europe). It contributes to the objectives of the European Union mission “Adaptation to Climate Change”, one of the five EU research missions. You currently are in the Learning Environment Portal of the project. If you want to visit the official project website please use this link. Layout option Text top image bottom Full Context Collection(aka Doorway or Gallery) The SMMAAD-Project Portals Pathway(aka Context) Default view Area(aka Level or Site) ALL