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Welcome to the ePLANETe.  You have entered through the TOUTATIS Doorway.

Coming in through the TOUTATIS Doorway, you have the opportunity to discover the User Communities of ePLANETe :  Who is using the platform, for What and with Whom?   The ePLANETe User Communities are organized and presented via Profiles in three cross-linked galleries, using complementary logics of identity.  These galleries offer:

  • Profiles of People;
  • Profiles of Partners - which may be organisations of any sort, or operational units within an organisation, including (but not limited to) partners in a collaborative project making use of the ePLANETe system; 
  • Profiles of the User Communities themselves.

Some user communities, who make intensive and concerted use of ePLANETe functionalities, have a distinct portal giving access to the wanted ePLANETe functionalities and collections of objects in a bespoke or customised way.  We have a specific name, in French, for such a portal: it is called a SMMAAD, which is an acronym for Système Multi-Média d'Apprentissage et d'Aide à la Délibération.  Translated into English this would be a multi-media system for collaborative learning and deliberation support.

The  complete list of the SMMAAD portals currently in operation or under development, is provided in the introduction to a specific gallery, called "Les SMMAAD".  This gallery can be accessed through The KERBABEL Doorway.  Some of these User Communities are quite specialised.  However, we want to mention two SMMAAD portals with their User Communities that have a more general interest.  These are:

  • The People's ePLANETe, which gives access to any  person who, navigating on the Internet, chooses to look into the ePLANETe and explore the opportunities it provides for collaborative learning and deliberation about ecological transition and territorial sustainability challenges.  The relevant User Community is "The General Public"  - all or us, all of you.
  • The SMMAAD that is accessed Through the TALISIEN Doorway, which offers an initiation to the full spectrum of ePLANETe galleries and functionalities, in pedagogic and experimental modes.   This portal is exploited in a variety of teaching & learning applications, the groups of students being members of the Talisien User Community for as long as they have a need.  It is also exploited for a variety of demonstration and experimentation activities, such as demonstration of how to build a  multi-stakeholder multi-criteria indicator-based comparative evaluation exercise, or demonstration of options for the creation and mobilisation of on-line teaching and learning resources.  We use this portal when we are working "in-house" for the  testing of new functionalities, including the visualisation and restitution of results of users' activities of content creation and deliberation.   

Coming in through the TOUTATIS Doorway, you also have access to the SHOWROOM.  This Thematic Space offers the opportunity to become acquainted with past and ongoing activities in and around ePLANETe. Succinct blocs of information about User Communities' activities are presented specifically in two galleries:

  • Profiles of Collaborative Projects & Programmes.   This gallery provides, notably, for profiles of Research projects, PhD doctoral studies, Networking activities, Pedagogic resource creation, Knowledge mediation projects or tool development, and Expertise/consultancy actions.  These profiles are conceived along the lines of brochures or "Flyers", and in some cases they can be accessed in a printer-friendly format or down-loaded as PDF.
  • Articles posted in the NewsReel gallery, providing information on Current Events of any sort, composed according to a standard format by any accredited members of the ePLANETe User Communities.

The items produced in each of these galleries can relate to any domain of ePLANETe User Community activities, including the profiling of specific education, stakeholder deliberation, and documentation activities whose digital resourcing and production are elaborated in separate ePLANETe galleries.

The nickname TOUTATIS for this Doorway and its collection of galleries, is the name of the Breton god (sometimes written as Teutatès, Teutates, or Totates) who, in the old Celtic mythology, and according to certain sources, is the father of the tribe and the protector of the people.  
Readers of the comic album series 'Asterix the Gaul' (Astérix le Gaulois) created by René Goscinny and Albert Uderzo, 
are familiar with the invocation "By Toutatis!" (in French: "par Toutatis") , roughly translating as "My God!"