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Several functionalities of ‘ePLANETe’ provide a reflexive overview of the ePLANETe itself.   These functionalities are presented in the 'PANORAMIX' Thematic Space which (among other things) provides access to two important galleries:

  • "The Gallery of Galleries", which presents (1) the complete set of ePLANETe galleries, (2) the types of objects that they house, and (3) the main uses of these objects.

  • The gallery "Les SMMAAD", which is a catalogue of the Project Portals (known in French as a SMMAAD = Système Multimédia d’Apprentissage et d’Aide à la Délibération) that have been developed with the aid of ePLANETe.

The “Gallery of Galleries” presents the profiles of the 24 distinct galleries found in ePLANETe, profiles of the Types of Objects found in Collections in each of these galleries, and the catalogues of the 'Records' - or Identity Cards - for the Collections of Objects.  Moving through these levels, the visitor will find elements of information about the uses of each Type of Object in the various collaborative learning, knowledge mediation and deliberation support activities facilitated by ePLANETe.  In many cases, the objects belonging to one gallery, can be exploited within that gallery or, in various ways, in other galleries.  By explaining the uses of a type of object, we explain therefore the roles of the reference gallery, and also the inter-relations between galleries.

The gallery "Les SMMAAD" presents profiles of the bespoke Project Portals that have been developed with the aid of ePLANETe.  We have a specific name, in French, for such a portal: it is called a SMMAAD, which is an acronym for Système Multi-Média d'Apprentissage et d'Aide à la Délibération.  (Translated into English this would be a multi-media system for collaborative learning and deliberation support).  Each SMMAAD is oriented to a specific User Community, who make intensive and concerted use of ePLANETe functionalities.  For these User Communities, a distinct portal gives access to the wanted ePLANETe functionalities and collections of objects in a customised way.  Typically, this involves the exploitation of a sub-set of the ePLANETe galleries, and the mobilisation in particular ways of the KerBabel tools in support of the specific collaborative learning, knowledge mediation, and deliberation support activities of this Community.