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Submitted by admineplanete on

There is a vast literature on the benefits to be hoped from the concertation of stakeholders in technology assessment, risk governance, territorial development, and other classes of social choice problems. According to this literature, the fulfillment of hopes for integrated assessment would depend not only on an adequate science base, but above all on the embedding of the relevant science in collective learning. This means, on the one hand, the sourcing of knowledge from a range of people and in many different forms, and, on the other hand, a negotiation across a broad spectrum of stakeholders about the quality of different proposals for action. Prospects for socially robust collective choices may be explored through bringing stakeholder perspectives into constructive dialogue with each other, in order to search for a common ground of action in both knowledge and value terms. We choose, for this purpose, to adopt a framework for participatory integrated assessment known as The INTEGRAAL Cycle.

KerBabel Knowledge Warehouse

Submitted by admineplanete on

The KerBabel Knowledge Warehouse is the location of the set of KerBabel service galleries, known as the Elemental Catalogues, used for the cataloguing of knowledge propositions and information sources of all sorts, in preparation for their mobilisation in evaluation exercises and other ePLANETe knowledge mediation activities


Submitted by admineplanete on

CAMELOT is the Doorway to societal questions of governance. It offers initiation to the realities of conflict and controversy, and to the hopes for principled governance in resolution -- often only partial and transitory -- of conflicts in society. In particular, it proposes tools of "deliberation support" for exploring, at appropriate scales, the arguments "for" and "against" alternatives of action (policies and strategies) for sustainability in its environmental, social and financial dimensions. Sustainability of what, why, and for whom?