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Erosion control by agricultural and forestry techniques and soft hydraulics in the Bas-Rhin

The Bas Rhin department is sensitive to muddy water flows occuring during Spring and early summer storms, which impact farmers and villages located downstream of agricultural plots. In order to reduce this risk, the Agriculture Chamber and the local authorities are working together to develop ways of combating these phenomena, which are harmful to downstream areas. Within this partnership framework, a diagnosis of the erosion and mudslides risks is carried out by the Alsace Agriculture Chamber at the commune level, and gives rise to proposals for concerted crop rotation (preventive measures) and soft hydraulic developments (curative measures). On the basis of these recommendations, the installation of hedges, weirs and grass strips is carried out by different project leaders depending on the territory (municipalities or intercommunal). Concerted crop rotation is coordinated by the Agriculture Chamber, and also allows for the gradual transition of some crops to no-till techniques, while the communities manage the implementation of soft hydraulic works.

Reconstruction of the hedgerow on the Léguer basin

The Léguer River catchment is one of the most hedged areas in Brittany. However, this territory has suffered a decline in its hedgerow mesh as a result of agricultural mechanization and land consolidation operations. Faced with the degradation of the Leguer's water quality observed in the 1990s, elected officials in the Leguer's watershed became aware of the need to preserve the hedgerow to stop this degradation, and to consider its restoration to improve water quality. Since 1999, the Leguer's watershed committee undertook awareness-raising of the watershed population, before experimenting with the restoration of hedges and embankments in several pilot basins. This work was then extended to the entire watershed, leading to the restoration of 300 kilometers of hedges and embankments. This action is still ongoing today, and aims in particular to ensure the sustainability of existing linear thanks to urban planning tools and the promotion of hedged farmland.

Revegetation of the Vernie Rouge ski slope in the Alps

In the ski resort of Saint-Léger-les-Mélèze, a ski slope carved out by remodeling work was revegetated to reduce erosion, increase snow retention on the slope, improve the resort's landscape integration and allow grazing activity on the slope in summer. Vegetation restoration was done by the so-called "green hay" technique, which consists of seeding the area with hay previously harvested nearby. The seed bank provided by this technique makes it possible to encourage the establishment of a diverse range of species adapted to the local context. This restoration project was part of the "Sem' les Alpes" programme, aimed at developing vegetation techniques adapted to alpine meadows.