Vegetative riparian buffers Submitted by Philippe Lanceleur on Sun, 09/22/2024 - 14:24 Read more about Vegetative riparian buffers Vegetative riparian buffers are strips of trees, bushes and grass alongside surface water bodies such as streams or ponds. Their main function is to provide a natural buffer strip to filter out nutrient and sediment transported from agricultural fields and prevent it reaching the water bodies - as well as maintaining undisturbed green corridors.
Maize strip tillage Submitted by Philippe Lanceleur on Sun, 09/22/2024 - 14:24 Read more about Maize strip tillage A cropping system for maize which reduces the reworking of the soil to the stripes, in which the seeds are planted.
Intercropping of grain legumes with cereals Submitted by Philippe Lanceleur on Sun, 09/22/2024 - 14:24 Read more about Intercropping of grain legumes with cereals Intercropping of grain legumes with cereals is a sustainable agricultural practice in Swiss farming. This involves growing grain legumes (such as peas or beans) alongside cereal crops (like barley or wheat) in the same field, reducing crop failure or yield risk, stabilising the grain legumes, promoting biodiversity and enhancing overall crop yield.
Permanent grass cover in vineyards Submitted by Philippe Lanceleur on Sun, 09/22/2024 - 14:24 Read more about Permanent grass cover in vineyards Permanent grass cover under grape vines protects the soil surface against erosion and compaction - and provides better conditions for traffic within the rows during mechanised field operations
Grass or stubble in areas prone to flooding and erosion Submitted by Philippe Lanceleur on Sun, 09/22/2024 - 14:24 Read more about Grass or stubble in areas prone to flooding and erosion Establishment of grass - or retaining stubble - on arable land that is prone to erosion and flooding to reduce the risk of soil and nutrient losses.
Subsoiling Submitted by Philippe Lanceleur on Sun, 09/22/2024 - 14:24 Read more about Subsoiling Subsoiling is defined as tillage below a depth of about 35-40 cm which doesn't invert the soil. It breaks up compacted layers to improve rooting and infiltration. Subsoiling is not needed on light soils, because these are rarely at risk of compaction.
Drainage Biofilter Submitted by Philippe Lanceleur on Sun, 09/22/2024 - 14:24 Read more about Drainage Biofilter Biofilters or “bioreactors” connected to agricultural tile drains are relatively inexpensive and space-saving measures with considerable potential to improve the quality of drainage water.
Grassing of Recharge Areas Submitted by Philippe Lanceleur on Sun, 09/22/2024 - 14:24 Read more about Grassing of Recharge Areas Grassing recharge zones of agricultural drainage systems significantly improves the quality of drainage water. It can be a useful, effective and relatively cheap measure for improvement of shallow groundwater quality.
Constructed wetland with tile drainage Submitted by Philippe Lanceleur on Sun, 09/22/2024 - 14:24 Read more about Constructed wetland with tile drainage A constructed wetland connected to tile drains that slows drainage flow, removes nitrogen and pesticides from drainage waters, and improves biodiversity. Formed from a substrate of matured birch chips and gravel, and is planted with reeds (Phalaris arundinacea) and reed manna grass (Glyceria maxima).