Abstract Strengthening and rehabilitation of the dykes, which were open, and huge inlet structures (sluices) were built to ensure controlled water flow from the river to the wetlands. Adjacent arable lands are protected by intermediate dykes and drainage canals with drain pumping station. Accumulated sediments in the drainage canals were systematically cleaned up. Strengthening and rehabilitation of the dykes, which were open, and huge inlet structures (sluices) were built to ensure controlled water flow from the river to the wetlands. Adjacent arable lands are protected by intermediate dykes and drainage canals with drain pumping station. Accumulated sediments in the drainage canals were systematically cleaned up. Case study(ies) Wetland restoration in Persina, Bulgaria Source type Website URL http://iwlearn.net/iw-projects/1123 Full Context Pathway(aka Context) Default view Area(aka Level or Site) ALL