General National Id Cyprus_03 Site name Oroklini lake, Larnaca Summary Oroklini lake is a waterbody located close to the south coast of Cyprus next to the city of Larnaca and within the boundaries of Oroklini village. The waterbody has been subject to modifications and degradation by implementing hydraulic measures in the mid 40’s, in order to desiccate the lake, due to health concerns. The purpose of NWRM implementation was to increase water retention and restore the wetland habitats in order to meet the needs of two important bird species, but also to increase biodiversity. The measures included among others, retention measures aiming at securing water availability in the upper basin of the lake and measures aiming at increasing the biodiversity of the ecosystem. Light or indepth? In-depth The in-depth description of the case study cs-cy-01-final_version.pdf NUTS Code Κύπρος (Kýpros) RBD code CY001 Transboundary 0 Data provider Ayis Iacovides, I.A.CO Source(s) Determination of important hydrological features for Oroklini Lake† Project LIFE10 NAT/CY/716 for BirdLife Cyprus as Beneficiary. Hydrology Report Oroklini Marsh, Cyprus Preparation of a Management Plan for the Oroklini Lake (in Greek) Proposal for the Development of the Oroklini Lake (in Greek) Restoration and Management of Oroklini Lake SPA (CY6000010) in Larnaka, Cyprus / LIFE10 NAT CY 000716 - PROJECT'S WEBSITE NWRM(s) implemented in the case study Wetland restoration and management Longitude 33.650833 Latitude 34.967222 Site information Climate zone warm temperate dry Soil type Solonchaks Mean rainfall 351,5 Mean rainfall unit mm/year Average temperature 19,6 Mean evaportranspiration 2259 Mean evaportranspiration unit mm/year Mean runoff 0,0135000003501773 Mean runoff unit 600 - 750 mm Average runoff coefficient 0,458999991416931 Average imperviousness 45 Type Case Study Info Average slope range 2-5% Vegetation class Reedbeds and halophytes Monitoring maintenance Monitoring impacts effects 1 Administrative annual cost information The measure involved studies on the Management Plan of the Natura site, a Life Project for the full evaluation of the wetland and its sustenance, a Hydrologic study for operation of the lake and the wetland etc. Expenses will be determined later. Performance Performance impact estimation method Catchment outlet Performance impact estimation information A monthly water operation study of the Oroklini Lake, under scenarios of drought, average and wet conditions was carried out on the basis of the hydro-climatological conditions of the years 1968 to 2011. This was used to evaluate impact on fauna. Design & implementations Application scale Field Scale Installation date 1940-01 Age 74 Performance timescale 1 - 4 years Area (ha) 295 Area subject to Land use change or Management/Practice change (ha) 91 Size 91 Size unit m2 Max water retention capacity 23428 Max water retention capacity unit m3/month Runoff treatment capacity 8 Runoff treatment capacity unit mm/month Basis of design 100-year storm Constraints Constraints are: urbanization of the area surrounding the lake and demand for new road crossings. Similarly, the urbanization and lack of sewage network causes deterioration of quality of surface water, and future changes of its quantity. Favourable preconditions The lowland features of the area and its location favorable to certain bird species and the presence of surface runoff as well as the state ownership of the area are excellent preconditions. Inflow volume 0,5 Inflow volume unit mio m3/day Outflow volume 0,0359999984502792 Outflow volume unit mio m3/month Public consultation 1 Contractural arrangements 1 Design contractual arrangement Arrangement type Responsibility Role Comments Name project LIFE10 NAT/CY/716 Design consultation activity Activity stage Key issues Name Comments Design land use change Land use change type Inland marshes Design authority Authority type Role Responsibility Name Comments NGO Determination of design details of the measure BirdLife Cyprus Other Monitoring Game Fund Department Dept of Ministry of Interior Other Implementation Oroklini Community Board Local Authority Other Monitoring Department of Environment Dept of Ministry of Agriculture, Natural resources and Environment Lessons, risks, implications... Key lessons Proper water management with small scale measures can restore wetlands within urban areas for furthering nature conservation objectives such as wet grassland conditions for breeding rare birds. This at the same time may offer minor flood protection. Financing mechanism 0 Financing difficulties 0 Success factor(s) Success factor type Success factor role Comments Attitude of decision makers main factor Financing possibilities main factor Financing Financing type Comments EU-funds: LIFE+ Barrier Barrier type Barrier role Comments Attitude of relevant stakeholders main barrier Land owners within and peripheral areas Driver Driver type Driver role Comments Organisation committed to it main driver Dept. of Environment, BirdLife Cyprus, Game Fund, Local Village Council Financing share Financing share type Share Comments European funds 50 View National funds 50 View Policy, general governance and design targets Policy description The NWRM, a water retaining structure with sluice and other water management works, channels for ideal nesting habitat, new low bunds with overflow etc., all tending to prevent the drying out of the lake and fit the needs of the target species. Part of wider plan 0 Policy target Target purpose Improved Biodiversity Oher Societal Benefits Peak-flow reduction Oher Societal Benefits Policy pressure Pressure directive Relevant pressure Policy area Policy area type Policy area focus Name Comments Policy impact Impact directive Relevant impact Policy wider plan Wider plan type Wider plan focus Name Comments Policy requirement directive Requirement directive Specification Socio-economic Direct benefits information Continuation of the wetland effectiveness within the encroaching urban development. Existence of wetland and nesting ground of two species of birds listed in Annex I of EU Directive. Availability of wet conditions for the period required Ancillary benefits information Leisure area within an urban environment. Tourist attraction. Educational area for young people. Costs investment information The measure exists only partly. On going studies aim to design in full the NWRM and management of the wetland. Full capital cost is still not known Costs operational information The costs will be known once the full management plan including necessary monitoring is established. These might involve analyses of water, fauna observations, assistant†™s visit to check water level recorder and other installations. Costs maintenance information Expenses will be identified after completion of NWRM design. Additional costs will involve protection of quality of water flowing to the wetland due to urbanization and encroachment of urban development. Costs total information The measure is under study. The full investment will be evaluated after the completion of all relevant studies Economic costs additional 7500 Information on Economic costs additional The measure exists only partly. On going studies aim to design in full the NWRM and management of the wetland. Full capital cost is still not known Ecosystem improved biodiversity 1 Information on Ecosystem improved biodiversity The conditions in the area where two very important birds included in Annex I of EU Directive on Birds (Vanellus spinosus and Himantopus himantopus) nest, are greatly improved. The lake hosts some 186 kinds of which 69 are included in the Directive. Ecosystem provisioning services 1 Information on Ecosystem provisioning services The NWRM helps the development of mild tourism activity and leisure activities in agreement with the maintenance of the environmental values of the wetland and the protection of the bird species using it. Ecosystem impact climate regulation No specific impact Information on Ecosystem impact climate regulation Very minor impact might be expected on climate regulation. Biophysical impacts Retained water 7,09999990463257 Retained water unit mio m3/month Information on retained water In an average year the lake created by the dam is dry in June, July, August and September. The lake is full for the rest of the months except of May (nearly half full) and October (nearly full). Spills maintain wetlands downstream the dam Increased water storage 0,017000000923872 Runoff reduction 6600 Increased water storage unit mio m3/month Information on increased water storage The water stored in the lake created by the retention dam in an average year is 0,017 million m3 per month. The wetland collected certain, reduced, quantities of water for some periods of the year which soon evaporated Runoff reduction unit m3/month Information on runoff reduction The average monthly water reduction by the NWRM is estimated to be of the order of 6600 m3. The control could be higher if the controlled releases to the downstream wetlands are considered. Ecosystem erosion control 1 Information on Ecosystem erosion control Although of minor impact. Sediments are deposited upstream the dam. Water quality overall improvements Positive impact-WQ improvement Information on Water quality overall improvements The presence of stored water reduces the salinity of the water Soil quality overall soil improvements Neutral impact-no change in SQ status Information on Soil quality overall soil improvements No impact on soil quality is observed or expected. Full Context Pathway(aka Context) Default view Area(aka Level or Site) ALL