General National Id Italy_04 Site name Valstagna, Verta Valley Summary The initiative is aimed at the recovering and maintenance of a cultural and historical heritage with the promotion of new agricultural activities (not necessarily for economic purposes). A large part of terraces are no longer used today, as landowners either emigrated or are too old to take care of them. As a consequence, these terraces are increasingly degraded. The Committee "Adotta un terrazzamento" (Adopt a Terrace) acts as a mediator among landowners and people interested in "adopting" a terrace": with a contribution of 10 euros, any private citizen can be assigned a terraced plot to establish a vegetable garden. In exchange, the private citizen commits to restore and take care of the terrace at his/her disposal. The recovery of the terraces permits the valorization of the local resources, combining social/economic aims with the need to safeguard infrastructures that prevent hydro-geological instability. Light or indepth? Light NUTS Code Veneto RBD code ITA Transboundary 0 Data provider Gloria De Paoli, ACTeon Source(s) I suoli dei versanti terrazzati di Valstagna NWRM(s) implemented in the case study Traditional terracing Longitude 11.394828 Latitude 45.520801 Site information Climate zone cool temperate moist Mean rainfall 1400 Mean rainfall unit mm/year Average temperature 9 Type Actual Test Site Average slope range 5-10% Monitoring maintenance Monitoring impacts effects 1 Monitoring parameters soil evaluation, soil water balance, soil attitude Performance Performance impact estimation method Edge of Field/Plot Performance impact estimation information The terraced slopes were compared with non terraced areas of a neighboring area. The evaluation was done through soil evaluation (under phisic and chemical aspects) and Thornthwaite-Mather model for the rendering of the potential/effective evapotraspiration compared to the annual precipitation. the results of the evaluations testify that in terraced areas the soil has better agronomic potential and a greater water retention capacity. Design & implementations Application scale River Basin Installation date 2010 Performance timescale Immediate Basis of design annual precipitations Constraints Information not available Favourable preconditions Information not available Contractural arrangements 1 Design contractual arrangement Arrangement type Responsibility Role Comments Name he initiative is aimed at the recovering and maintenance of a cultural and historical heritage with the promotion of new agricultural activities (not necessarily for economic purposes). A large part of terraces are no longer used today, as landowners either emigrated or are too old to take care of them. As a consequences, these terraces are increasingly degraded. The Committee "Adotta un terrazzamento" act as a mediator among landowners and people interested in "adopting" a terrace": with a contribution of 10 euros, any private citizen can be assigned a terraced plot to establish a vegetable garden. In exchange, the private citizen committs to restore and take care of the terrace at his/her disposal. Free "loan of use" contracts Design consultation activity Activity stage Key issues Name Comments Design land use change Land use change type Design authority Authority type Role Responsibility Name Comments Implementation Committee "Adotta un Terrazzamento" The Committee is responsible for mediating between landowners and private citizens interested in "'adopting" a terraces plot. Thus the Committee manages the project and assigns the plot to users Other Implementation Municipality of Valstagna Municipality Implementation University of Padua University Implementation Italian Alpine Club - "Highlands" Research Group No-profit association Other Solagna, Campolongo, S. Nazario, Cismon del Grappa municipalities Municipalities Other Veneto Region Regional administration Lessons, risks, implications... Key lessons The initiative is aimed at the recovering and maintenance of a cultural and historical heritage with the promotion of new agricultural activities (not necessarily for economic purposes). A large part of terraces are no longer used today, as landowners either emigrated or are too old to take care of them. As a consequences, these terraces are increasingly degraded. The Committee "Adotta un terrazzamento" act as a mediator among landowners and people interested in "adopting a terrace": with a contribution of 10 euros, any private citizen can be assigned a terraced plot to establish a vegetable garden. In exchange, the private citizen committs to restore and take care of the terrace at his/her disposal. The recovery of the terraces permits the valorization of the local resources, combining social/economic aims with the need to safeguard infrastructures that prevent hydrogeological instability. Financing mechanism information The Committee "Adotta un terrazzamento" act as a mediator among landowners and people interested in "adopting a terrace": with a contribution of 10 euros, any private citizen can be assigned a terraced plot to establish a vegetable garden. In exchange, the private citizen committs to restore and take care of the terrace at his/her disposal. Further information on financing is not available. Success factor(s) Success factor type Success factor role Comments Financing Financing type Comments Other The Committee "Adotta un terrazzamento" act as a mediator among landowners and people interested in "adopting a terrace": with a contribution of 10 euros, any private citizen can be assigned a terraced plot to establish a vegetable garden. In exchange, the private citizen committs to restore and take care of the terrace at his/her disposal. Barrier Barrier type Barrier role Comments Driver Driver type Driver role Comments Other main driver The initiative is aimed at the recovering and maintenance of a cultural and historical heritage with the promotion of new agricultural activities (not necessarily for economic purposes). A large part of terraces are no longer used today, as landowners either emigrated or are too old to take care of them. As a consequences, these terraces are increasingly degraded Financing share Financing share type Share Comments Policy, general governance and design targets Policy description The restoring of traditional terraces (built around the XVII century) is aimed at the maintenance of the terraces, the prevention of landslides and the provision of cultivable land. Part of wider plan 1 Policy target Target purpose Oher Societal Benefits Erosion Control Increase Water Storage Policy pressure Pressure directive Relevant pressure Policy area Policy area type Policy area focus Name Comments Policy impact Impact directive Relevant impact Policy wider plan Wider plan type Wider plan focus Name Comments AlpTer Project, EU programme Interreg Alpine Space Policy requirement directive Requirement directive Specification Socio-economic Costs total information No information on costs is available; however, costs are likely to be purely administrative and linked to the activities of the Committee, due to the particular nature of the initiative. the initiative is aimed at the recovering and maintenance of a cultural and historical heritage with the promotion of new agricultural activities (not necessarily for economic purposes). A large part of terraces are no longer used today, as landowners either emigrated or are too old to take care of them. As a consequences, these terraces are increasingly degraded. The Committee "Adotta un terrazzamento" act as a mediator among landowners and people interested in "adopting a terrace": with a contribution of 10 euros, any private citizen can be assigned a terraced plot to establish a vegetable garden. In exchange, the private citizen committs to restore and take care of the terrace at his/her disposal. Ecosystem provisioning services 1 Information on Ecosystem provisioning services The terraces permit agricultural practices. Ecosystem water supply 1 Ecosystem impact climate regulation No information available Biophysical impacts Information on retained water Additional information not available Increased water storage 50 Increased water storage unit % Percent Information on increased water storage Additional information not available Information on runoff reduction Additional information not available Ecosystem erosion control 1 Water quality overall improvements N/A info Soil quality overall soil improvements Positive impact-SQ improvement Information on Soil quality overall soil improvements Increase of depth available for root development, greater water retention and reduction of the stone portion. Full Context Pathway(aka Context) Default view Area(aka Level or Site) ALL