General National Id Hungary_02 Site name Nagyszéksós Lake, Csongrád county Summary The Nagyszéksós-tó project aimed safeguarding natural and recreational functions of the Nagyszéksós lake protected area through the improved retention of water from excess water periods 1.2 million m3 and the provision of surplus water from the nearby village's water treatment plan giving extra treatment through a newly developed wetland area. The other goals of the project are the improved infiltration to the groundwater and restored drainage capacity of the water system to prevent long lasting water logging periods on agricultural fields.The nearby village, Mórahalom also benefited from the development through improved recreation conditions and cultural, educational possibilities in the area. Light or indepth? Light NUTS Code Dél-Alföld RBD code HU1000 Transboundary 0 Data provider Gábor Ungvári Source(s) Komplex vízvisszatartási akcioprogram a NagyszéksosTo vízrendszerében A MÓRAHALMI NAGYSZÉKSÓS-TÓ VíZKÉMIAI VIZSGíLATAINAK ELEMZÉSE A bivaly-rehabilitácios területek elemzése a Nagyszéksos-To és a Tanaszi-semlyék eltérÅ‘ biotopjain NWRM(s) implemented in the case study Basins and ponds Wetland restoration and management Lake restoration Site information Climate zone warm temperate dry Mean rainfall 525 Mean rainfall unit mm/year Average temperature 11 Mean runoff 2,34999990463257 Mean runoff unit 600 - 750 mm Average runoff coefficient 1,13619995117188 Type Case Study Info Vegetation class It is a wetland area surrounded by crop production agricultural lands. Performance Performance impact estimation method Catchment outlet Design & implementations Application scale Field Scale Lifespan 30 Age 4 Performance timescale Immediate Area subject to Land use change or Management/Practice change (ha) 9 Design capacity description 1.2 million cubic m (m3) Constraints The size of the area is constrained, bigger volume retention would threaten agricultural lands Favourable preconditions The main drainage channel of the district's drainage network passes by the lake. (The lake itself the area that reamined an drained) Design contractual arrangement Arrangement type Responsibility Role Comments Name The parties will prepare a plan to specify the operation details after the experiences of the first years in operation. Design consultation activity Activity stage Key issues Name Comments Design land use change Land use change type Moors and heathland Design authority Authority type Role Responsibility Name Comments Local water authority Determination of design details of the measure ATIVIZIG - Alsó-Tiszavidéki Vízí¼gyi Igazgatóság (Lower Tisza Valley Water Directorate) Other Determination of design details of the measure Kiskunsági Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság The National Park is the manager of the site. Lessons, risks, implications... Key lessons The project required the compromise of the water directorate and the national park how they manage their disparate interests of water levels in the lake facing the unpredictability of precipitation events. The further expansion of such a scheme in the area would have public, environmental and private gains as well, but the parties at the moment see no means how to harmonize conflicting interests if not only public, but privately owned lands would be involved as well. Success factor(s) Success factor type Success factor role Comments Existing institutional framework main factor Successful coordination between authorities main factor Financing possibilities main factor Attitude of relevant stakeholders secondary factor Financing Financing type Comments EU-funds: Cohesion and regional development funds DAOP 5.2.1/D - Komplex vízvisszatartási akcióprogram a Nagyszéksós-tó vízrendszerében Barrier Barrier type Barrier role Comments Other main barrier In this case there was no real barrier because the area is state property, the funds enabled the purchase of the wetland location. But a similar measure - according to the official at the directorate - cannot be accomplished if arrangements with private owners should be included. The duration of such reconciliation has a huge uncertainty and big probability of failure that it cannot be financed on a closed time frame project bases. Driver Driver type Driver role Comments Balancing different objectives main driver The obligation of the water authority (to provide safety against flood or water logging threats are in contradiction with the environmental management objectives of the national park. Because the lake serve as a buffer for storage of the surplus water. The applied solution is a way forward from this situation, but without the financial sources of the operative program no sources would be attained. Availability of subsidies secondary driver Financing share Financing share type Share Comments Policy, general governance and design targets Policy description It is a lake-wetland with big shallow areas, the water level drops left these areas dry out frequently. The NWRM will mitigate the changes of water level. WFD pressure 4.1.2; 4.3.1 2.2?? Part of wider plan 0 Policy target Target purpose Increase Water Storage Improved Biodiversity Peak-flow reduction Groundwater Recharge Pollutants Removal Oher Societal Benefits Policy pressure Pressure directive Relevant pressure Policy area Policy area type Policy area focus Name Comments Policy impact Impact directive Relevant impact Policy wider plan Wider plan type Wider plan focus Name Comments Policy requirement directive Requirement directive Specification Socio-economic Direct benefits 1666,66662597656 Direct benefits information There are avoided costs. According to the predictions the upgraded situation will decrease the total maintenace costs that emerged previously at the two organisations (water directorate, national park) Ancillary benefits information There is no economic assessment of the miscallenous benefits. These could come from recreational activities, nutrient load mitigation and habitat services. Costs investment 747095,25 Costs investment information New water supply chanel, creation of wetland, reconstruction work inside the lake, reconstruction of drainage channels. Inflation adjusted price from HUF 2009 Costs operation maintenance 1666,66662597656 Costs operation maintenance This is the maintenance cost of the channels. Additonal cost will emerge in case of severe water shortage (reference to the water depth), the pumping of treated water to the constructed wetland to start supply the lake will start. It will have a cc 15€/day cost. Ecosystem improved biodiversity 1 Information on Ecosystem improved biodiversity The eutrophication process that threatened the lake was changed, the water lily (Nympheaetum albae) appeared again in the lake. Ecosystem provisioning services 1 Information on Ecosystem provisioning services The biomass of the lake now serves as feedstock for the buffalos. A recently finished, paralel ecology pilot-project applied water buffalos (Bubalus bubalus) to repel invasive species from the area. The first results of the program are positive. Ecosystem impact climate regulation No information available Biophysical impacts Water quality overall improvements Positive impact-WQ improvement Information on Water quality overall improvements There is no quantitative inforamtion to measure the changes. Soil quality overall soil improvements N/A info Full Context Pathway(aka Context) Default view Area(aka Level or Site) ALL