Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 03/04/2015 - 11:04 Definition Early sowing refers to sowing up to six weeks before the normal sowing season.ᅠ This allows for an earlier and quicker development of crops and of a root network that leads to soil protection.ᅠ The period in which the soil lies bare is shorter and, therefore, erosion and run-off are less significant and water infiltration is improved.ᅠ Early sowing can also help to mitigate the extreme ETP rates typical of Mediterranean summers.ᅠ However, early sown plants are frost sensitive; therefore farmers run the risk of losing the crops because of the low temperatures.ᅠ In northern countries, temperature in spring (March) can be adequate but the risk of frost is still serious until May.ᅠ Therefore, early sowing requires specific tools (plastic tunnel covers, onsite green house, etc.) and cannot be applied by any farmers for any crops. - Based on Stella definitions, adapted by NWRM project experts and validated by the European Commission Links Relation type Narrower Concept Agricultural practice Relation type Narrower Concept Natural Water Retention Measure Themes agriculture Type of action Agricultural practice Biophysical benefits Decrease of runoff Decrease of erosion Soil conservation Full Context Pathway(aka Context) Default view Area(aka Level or Site) ALL