Submitted by Philippe Lanceleur on Sun, 09/22/2024 - 14:24 Full Context NSWRM(Sections), Default view, ALL, Buffer strips and hedges, Proximity with, Forest riparian buffers, Proximity with Vegetative riparian buffers are strips of trees, bushes and grass alongside surface water bodies such as streams or ponds. Their main function is to provide a natural buffer strip to filter out nutrient and sediment transported from agricultural fields and prevent it reaching the water bodies - as well as maintaining undisturbed green corridors. Geometry POINT (17.774165425934 46.692440547591) PDF factsheet Download PDF factsheet from Wocat Location POINT (17.774165425934 46.692440547591) Link View the factsheet on Wocat Source wocat Case study id technologies_6204 Local name Vízparti erdős puffersáv