Submitted by Martin O'Connor on Fri, 10/18/2024 - 14:09 Texte - Image txt Welcome to the TALISIEN Experience! The ePLANETe is an on-line platform or gateway, for knowledge mediation and deliberation support activities centred on territorial sustainable development. The TALISIEN Doorway proposes entry points and pathways into the ePLANETe specifically with a view to activities of collaborative learning and teaching. These activities include (but are not limited to) Explanation of the pedagogic ambitions of the ePLANETe platform as a whole. Examples of exploitations of ePLANETe tools and functionalities in institutional learning contexts such as universities, secondary scools and continuing education. Initiation to tools specifically dedicated to KQA or Knowledge Quality Assessment. Opportunities for learning about the contents and uses of the ePLANETe itself. Domains of experimentation where we (as members of the TALISIEN Community) are testing tools and functionalities, developing "case studies" and building demonstrators for subsequent release to wider user communities. Layout option Text top image bottom Full Context Collection(aka Doorway or Gallery) The SMMAAD-Project Portals Pathway(aka Context) Default view Area(aka Level or Site) ALL