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Piano di Gestione Basso Aurino †“ Relazione sintetica degli interventi realizzati in localití  Rienzfield, Gatzaue e Molini di Tures (2002-2011)

River restoration measures were implemented along the Aurino stream as part of the Aurino management plan. Interventions were grouped in Work Packages and were implemented in different moments within the years 2003-2011. The objectives were flood protection and, secondarily, the improvement of the natural environment. Different interventions were implemented to widen the river bed, such as for example: (i) forests were cleared in the relevant areas, to add space to the river bed; (ii) (artificial) river banks were lowered and enlarged; (iii) re-activation or creation of lateral river branches; (iv) measures to raise the river bed†™s level.
Caterina Ghiraldo
Autonomous Province of Bozen
Source type
Project Report
Full Context
Pathway(aka Context)
Area(aka Level or Site)