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Project RMP5455: Slowing the Flow at Pickering, Final Report to Defra, Forest Research

The Project 'Slowing the Flow at Pickering' implements multiple natural flood risk measures including low level bunds, large woody debris dams, planting riparian and floodplain woodland, planting farm woodland, blocking moorland drains and establishing no-burn buffer zones, blocking forest drains and implementing farm-scale measures. The aim of the project is to show how land management measures can help to reduce flood risk from a river in the town and is implemented in close cooperation with local stakeholders. The project involved both the Pickering Beck and adjacent River Seven catchments, the description of measures described below relate to the former.
Nisbet TR, Marrington S, Thomas H, Broadmeadow S and Valatin G
Source type
Project Report
Full Context
Pathway(aka Context)
Area(aka Level or Site)