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Headwater areas

Submitted by Anonymous on

Targeted planting of forests in headwater areas (e.g. with a slope) can help to stabilize hillslopes, thereby reducing erosion and potentially leading to greater water retention in montane areas. Afforestation may have beneficial effects on the hydrograph by reducing peak flows and helping to maintain base flows. The potential for water retention must be balanced against the increased ET and pollutant trapping that may be associated with forests.
- Based on Stella definitions, adapted by NWRM project experts and validated by the European Commission

Coarse woody debris

Submitted by admineplanete on

Coarse woody debris is a key stream habitat feature used by fish and other organisms. Coarse woody debris can also help to lower flow velocity in streams.
- Based on Stella definitions, adapted by NWRM project experts and validated by the European Commission