General National Id Slovenia_01 Site name Pomurje Summary The BIOMURA project was particularly focused on conservation of four habitat types, listed in Annex I of the Habitats Directive. It consists in the connection of the main channel of the Mura River in the east of Slovenia with side channels, provision of conditions for the adequate water level at the intake of water into side branches (intake at average and low flows), local widening of the channel and sustainable maintenance of alluvial forests and side channels. These measures were targeted to improve and protect riparian habitats and endangered species. Funded by LIFE program, Ministry of Environment and Spatial planning of Slovenia, Institute for water of Republic of Slovenia and partners. Light or indepth? In-depth The in-depth description of the case study cs-si-01-final_version.pdf NUTS Code Bratislavský kraj RBD code SI_RBD_1 Transboundary 0 Data provider REC Source(s) BIOMURA BIOMURA - Conservation of biodiversity of the Mura river in Slovenia Case study: Biomura LIFE06NAT/SI/000066 NWRM(s) implemented in the case study Wetland restoration and management Reconnection of oxbow lakes and similar features Natural bank stabilisation Longitude 16.17805 Latitude 46.59138 Site information Climate zone cool temperate moist Mean rainfall 800 Mean rainfall unit mm/year Average temperature 15 Mean runoff 350 Mean runoff unit 450 - 600 mm Average runoff coefficient 0,119999997317791 Type Case Study Info Monitoring maintenance Monitoring impacts effects 1 Monitoring parameters Number of birds, amphibians and fishes Performance Performance impact estimation method Catchment outlet Performance impact estimation information Monitoring after many prior field inspections Design & implementations Application scale Field Scale Installation date 2011-10 Lifespan 50 Performance timescale 5 - 10 years Area (ha) 4024 Size 8,30000019073486 Size unit km Design capacity description Conservation status of 1.200 ha of floodplain forests, 1.500 m of side channels and 5.000 m2 of oxbows will be reached and forest areas around 2 ha of oxbow lakesand along 5.000 m of side channels improved Constraints The biggest threat to this project is the project of hydropower stations construction on Mura river which is pushed by the investor Dravske elektrarne. In case of the future implementation of these power plants our best practice BIOMURA wills potentially be endangered or even destroyed and during the construction the water level was often too high, the work was interrupted for a few times. Favourable preconditions Former wetland with a high biodiversity value Inflow volume 110 Inflow volume unit m3/sec Public consultation 1 Contractural arrangements 1 Design contractual arrangement Arrangement type Responsibility Role Comments Name Agreement with the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning Design consultation activity Activity stage Key issues Name Comments Workshops 3 local (15th May 2007 in Ljutomer, 30th November 2009 in Mota and 17th November 2010 in Doklezovje) and 2 regional (4th June 2007 in Muska Sobota and 12th October 2011 in Mota) Biomura newsletter 10 Issues were published, 5 leaflets, DVD Information Centre Information centre with educational trail opened and 7 information pan Design land use change Land use change type Design authority Authority type Role Responsibility Name Comments Initiation of the measure Institute for water of the Republic of Slovenia Private property owners Other Ingeeniring for Waters (IZVO) Supervision in restoration Private property owners Implementation Mura Water Management company (Mura VGP) Other Institute of the Republic of slovenia for Nature Protection (ZRSVN) Professional national Institution Regional / sub-national water authority Other Regional Development Agency Mura (PRA Mura) Responsible of some information actions Other Prleska Development Agency (PRA giz) Responsible of some information actions Other Society of Bird Research and nature conservation (DPPVN) Participation and support of some information actions Other World Wide Fund for Nature Austria (WWF Austria) World Wide Conservation Organization; 'Participation and support of some information actions Lessons, risks, implications... Key lessons A good knowledge and coordination of the task of each stakeholder is essential for completing the project without serious problems Success factor(s) Success factor type Success factor role Comments Attitude of relevant stakeholders main factor Successful coordination between authorities main factor Financing Financing type Comments EU-funds: LIFE+ European Commision LIFE Nature 2006 program National funds RS Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning Other Institute for Water of the Republic of Slovenia Private funds Partners Barrier Barrier type Barrier role Comments Existing technical standards main barrier Small delay due to one permission of contruction in the stone riffle implementation. Driver Driver type Driver role Comments Legal obligations main driver Habitats Directive and Birds Directive Financing share Financing share type Share Comments European funds 49,7000007629395 View National funds 34,2200012207031 View Private funds 16,7099990844727 View Policy, general governance and design targets Policy description Ecological deterioration and risk of flooding in Morava river. There are no dams on Slovenian river section. Policy target Target purpose Improved Biodiversity Groundwater Recharge Policy pressure Pressure directive Relevant pressure Policy area Policy area type Policy area focus Name Comments Policy impact Impact directive Relevant impact Policy wider plan Wider plan type Wider plan focus Name Comments Policy requirement directive Requirement directive Specification Socio-economic Direct benefits information Conservation of natural values and biodiversity will sustain if not enhance ground and surface water regimes in their dynamic character and connectivity. Ancillary benefits information Wetland ecosystem services such are fish stocks, groundwater for human consumption, wood stocks and biomass will become even more important for local and regional community. Restoration and rehabilitation works in the project area are offering job opportunities for local people and providing long-term opportunities for creation of trails, observation facilities, information center, education points and paths. Development of a sustainable tourism is an option and source of local employment and income increase in the Pomurje region in the future. The project has also become a strong counterpart to the idea of electricity production on the Mura River upstream. Costs investment 1975519 Costs investment information Total budget Costs land acquisition 61800 Costs land acquisition unit € (total value) Costs total 1991567 Costs total information Costs incurred from the start date to 31/10/2011 Economic costs other annual 9000 Ecosystem improved biodiversity 1 Information on Ecosystem improved biodiversity Higher number of anphibians after the work, hiher density of bird species in willow stands Ecosystem provisioning services 1 Information on Ecosystem provisioning services Ecosystem services such are fish stocks, groundwater for human consumption, wood stocks and biomass will become even more important for local and regional community Ecosystem water supply 1 Ecosystem impact climate regulation Not relevant for the specific application Biophysical impacts Information on retained water N/A info Information on increased water storage Increase in the volume of retained water due to the connectivity between the main river and side channels and introduction of higher river morphological structure in the river bed (erosion banks, gravel bars, river islands) and flood forest. Information on runoff reduction N/A info Water quality overall improvements N/A info Information on Water quality overall improvements N/A info Soil quality overall soil improvements N/A info Information on Soil quality overall soil improvements N/A info Full Context Pathway(aka Context) Default view Area(aka Level or Site) ALL