Code N08 Sector Hydro Morphology The complete description of the NWRM n8_-_riverbed_material_restoration.pdf Summary Riverbed material represents the sediment eroded upstream, transported by the river and deposited on the river floor. It can be composed of coarse and/or fine material. Its re-naturalization consists in recovering the nature-like structure and composition of the bed load, in particular the equilibrium between coarse and fine sediment. In case of deficit of coarse sediment leading to river incision, the main objective is to level-up the riverbed with this type of sediment, by reactivating bank erosion in terrains contributing to this type of sediment. It should be noticed that in case of excess of fine sediment causing inundations, silting of hydro-electric dams or degradation of fish habitats, the main objective is to control erosion on slopes and riverbanks providing this type of sediment. Illustration(s) Renaturalized riverbed, (France)Source:,1432Explicative scheme for the principle of riverbed renaturalization (France)Source: Possible benefits with level Benefits Level PO1 - Improving status of biology quality elements High PO2 - Improving status of physico-chemical quality elements Medium PO3 - Improving status of hydromorphology quality elements High PO4 - Improving chemical status and priority substances Medium PO7 - Prevent surface water status deterioration High PO8 - Prevent groundwater status deterioration Low PO9 - Take adequate and co-ordinated measures to reduce flood risks Medium PO10 - Protection of important habitats Medium PO11 - Better protection for ecosystems and more use of Green Infrastructure Medium PO13 - Better management of fish stocks Medium PO14 - Prevention of biodiversity loss Medium ES1 - Water storage Medium ES2 - Fish stocks and recruiting Medium ES3 - Natural biomass production Medium ES4 - Biodiversity preservation High ES7 - Flood risk reduction Medium ES8 - Erosion/sediment control High ES9 - Filtration of pollutants Medium ES11 - Aesthetic/cultural value Low BP1 - Store runoff Medium BP2 - Slow runoff Medium BP3 - Store river water Medium BP4 - Slow river water Medium BP9 - Intercept pollution pathways Medium BP10 - Reduce erosion and/or sediment delivery Low BP12 - Create aquatic habitat High BP13 - Create riparian habitat High Case study(ies) Restructuring the effluent web in Italy Revitalization of the upper Drau River in Austria River restoration of the lower Aurino in Italy Restoration of the Odense river, Denmark Floodplain reconnection in the Vallei van de Grote Nete, Belgium Tullstorpsån rural development project in Sweden Fluvial and ecosystem restoration of the Arga-Aragon Rivers, Spain Restoration of river Hermance, France Revitalisation of the Borova stream, Czech Republic Improvement of the navigation conditions on the Danube between Calarasi and Braila, Romania Wachau and Danube restoration in Austria Full Context Pathway(aka Context) Default view Area(aka Level or Site) ALL